Be Optimistic (Realist & Positive Thinking)

Do not worry about the past or future. Remember that the past is history, the future is a mystery, and that today is a gift... that is why it's called the present!
Pass a blessing on to a friend or stranger, let somebody have that parking space, let somebody in front of you in line at the market. Doing nice things for others is an instant pick-me-up.
frame a better attitude and take your mind off of the negatives.
Do not be idle. The saying is true that empty mind is devil's workshop. Listen to music, play with pets, visit friends or relatives, read books, comics, chat with a friend, cook, go window shopping...the list is endless.
Count your blessings, each and every little one. Focusing on the good things in your life, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, will help Don't make every situation into something that ends badly or is not going to have a good outcome. That is definitely one way to lose friends and push away family, while straining your life.
Learn to be happy and share love with your close friends.
When you feel stressed or upset, take two slow, deep breathes without tensing your neck our shoulders. Deep breath from your belly like babies do when they sleep.
Look happy. Studies have shown that putting a cheerful smile on your face can actually make you feel happier and more optimistic about the present and future. They can also get you more 'return smiles' than a frown. Have you ever heard of the expression, 'Honey catches more flies than vinegar'? It's actually true. Being kind and caring actually gets you happier than being sour.
Smiling is better than frowning, so show them those pearly whites!
Practice by conveying these ideas to others. If you hear someone being pessimistic, counsel them based on these steps. Sometimes it's easier to understand a perspective if you explain it to someone else first.


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